Don't wait for the right person to come into your life. Be the right person to come into someone's life.
Sometimes you just need to distance yourself from people. If they care, they'll notice. If they don't, you know where you stand.
I wish you hadn't turned your back. I wish you had explained. I wish you hadn't made me lose my faith in everything.
Don't bother saying sorry because it's useless when you don't mean it, and don't bother asking to be friends, you don't deserve my friendship, and don't bother expecting me to be there for you anymore, because I won't be there for someone who was never there for me.
There it goes again. That heavy feeling in your chest when you don't feel any desire to speak or move. All you want to do is close your eyes and sleep, because the process of being broken is incredibly exhausting. You attempt your best to make your days fulfilling, but no matter how hard you try you can't seem to connect to anyone or anything.
You've got to learn to push through the hard times because you have to face them. Running from them now will only make you too tired to fight through when they catch up with you later.
I want you to know that I love you. I never did stop, not for one gasping second. My love for you is unconditional and it will never end as long as I live. I refuse to find others when I have the one I want. I never doubted us, but you did. I never stopped thinking about you even though you stopped thinking about me. I never wanted to let go, but you did.
Sometimes if you really want to make things work you have to keep your mouth shut and put your hurt aside.
We are all looking for answers. In medicine, in life, in everything. Sometimes the answers we were looking for were hiding just below the surface. Other times, we find answers when we didn't realize we were asking a question. Sometimes, the answers can catch us completely by surprise. And sometimes, even when we find the answer we've been looking for, we're still left with a whole helluva lot of questions.
You what I think hurts the most? The feeling of being replaced. It's like no matter what you did, it wasn't enough. And no matter what you do to try and capture their heart again, doesn't seem to work. And you're suddenly left thinking that you'll never be enough. And a sudden sadness captures your heart that never really leaves.
Maybe instead of thinking you know everything, let go of your ego for a while and you'd start to get to know her. And maybe if you threw away your fears of getting hurt and just loved her, maybe you two could make it.
You are going to lose people in your life. And I realize that no matter how much time you spent with them, or how much you appreciated them and told them so, it will never seem like it was enough.
Sometimes the people who are always there for you, are the ones who need you the most.
I've always believed that you have to be happy on your own before you can be happy with someone else.
No matter how dark the moment, love and hope are always possible.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
I'm awakening and now everything fades away inside of You.
They need to make a box of just the Lucky Charm marshmallows... That'd be a lifesaver.
Chocolate is the answer, who cares what the question is.
Randomly staring at your phone to avoid an awkward situation.
The problem between girls and guys is girls fall for one guy too easily, and well guys try to get as many girls as possible.
It's hard to distance yourself mentally from a person that you see every day.
How about an iPhone app where you just sigh loudly and it fixes whatever is bothering you?
I hate it when you talk to someone every single day and then it just stops. All of a sudden neither of you say a word to each other.
A true friend is someone who accepts your past, supports your present and encourages your future.
Ladies you deserve to be his first place girl. Not his "Just In Case Girl."
8-year-old kids today have Facebook, twitter, phones, iPods. When I was their age, I had a coloring book, crayons, chalk, and imagination.
We live in the era of smartphones and stupid people.
Find a guy who would jump fences to be with you, not a guy who is on the fence about being with you.
Let's turn our mistakes into lessons and our fears into hopes. We should have faith in ourselves and be strong.
My ex walked up to me today and said "Wanna hear a joke?" and I said, "Ha! I'm looking at one, bro."
Dear whoever is reading this, I hope you have a reason to smile today.
To be honest with you, I don't have the words to make you feel better, but I do have the arms to give you a hug, the ears to listen to whatever you want to talk about, and I have a heart, a heart that's aching to see you smile again.
I'm not easy. Partly because that's just not me, but also because I know I'm worth it. I'm worth the time and effort. And I'd rather be difficult than easy any day.
I think I was better off before all this began. So clearly I can see that you don't know who I am. Everybody tried to tell me something that I never could believe. Standing back, it seems so much different than it did in front of me.
I'm one person. And one person can only take so much. I guess I've just had enough.
Today, my boyfriend told me that he loved me. When I asked why, he took out a list. It was 337 reasons long, and he said he had a pen in his back pocket in case he remembered any new ones. His love gives me hope.
People would say, "I'm single," but well, to me, that sounds rather mean. It sounds like they were trying to say, "I'm alone," or "I have nobody to love." That's not true because I have friends and I have my family. I would rather say, "I'm free." It sounds better.
You are worth waiting a lifetime on...And I would if you asked me to.
I never had anyone I could actually count on. I've been let down so many times. I was tired of hurting and so tired of searching. And then, you walked into my life. It was a feeling I'd never known and for the first time, I didn't feel alone.
I used to be a little bit shy, I kept my deepest feelings inside. Speaking up to you about my emotions has always been hard. But this just can't wait. Tonight I feel a little bit brave. So I won't let one more day pass without you explaining what we are. This is gonna sound kind of silly, but I couldn't help but notice the last time you kissed, you kept both eyes opened. Can you tell me, what does that mean? If you're looking over your shoulder then you don't need to be with me. And I don't need to hold on.
The greatest challenge in life is to find someone who knows all your flaws and differences and mistakes and still loves everything about you.
If you want to know where your heart is, look where your mind goes when it wanders.
She wanted something else, something different, something more... Passion and romance perhaps, or maybe quiet conversations in candlelit rooms or perhaps something as simple as not being second...
This is for the girls who understand that they aren't perfect and that the guys they're interested in aren't either, for the girls who flirt and laugh and worry and obsess over the slightest glance, whisper, touch, because somehow they are able to keep alive that hope that maybe...maybe this time he'll have understood. This is a homage to the girls who laugh loud and often, who are comfortable in skirts and sweats, who care more than they should for guys who don't deserve their attention.
It's a little weird, having people look at me with you and ask, why on earth is she with him, she could do so much better. Well guess what? What they don't know is, there isn't any better, and even if there was, I wouldn't want it because all I want is you.
I need you to pretend that we are in love again..
I hate the fact that you say you miss me but don't do anything about it.
Take nothing but photos. Leave nothing but footsteps. Kill nothing but time.
Every day is a decision. We all wake up every morning and make the conscious choice not to die.
I hope you're living a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.
Sometimes there is nothing to be said. Sometimes nothing should be said. I just want to find someone who won't run away. Someone to look me in the eyes and tell me that it's okay. That things don't always go right, that this is how life works, and how it will always work. That it's not going to be easy. Today, tomorrow, the next day, but it will somehow get better.
All my life, I had been looking for something, and everywhere I turned, someone tried to tell me what it was. I accepted their answers too, thought they were often in contradiction and even self-contradictory. I was naive. I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself questions which I, and only I could answer. It took me a long time and much painful boomeranging of my expectations to achieve a realization everyone else appears to have been born with: that I am nobody but myself.
Letting to doesn't mean giving in, but rather accepting that there are things that cannot be.
I hate when exes say... "I'm here if you need me." Where were you when we were together and I needed you?
Crazy around my friends. Classy around guys. A freak around my family, but at a complete loss for words around you.
We all have that boy. That boy who you're completely over, but you still think about before you sleep. That boy who you avoid talking to, but still wish he would IM you just once. That boy who you have to make yourself not think about, but always wonder if he is thinking about you.
"What happened with you two?" What happened? He popped a feel and dropped me like I was hot. He told me I was beautiful, special and that he wanted to be with me and then he took it all back without saying a word. He drew me in and then released me. He promised me forever and then ended it early. He got what he wanted and then walked away without so much as a goodbye. But you know... "It's complicated."
I want an unknown relationship. Not a public one where everyone has to know. I will not say that I am single nor will I deny the fact that I'm taken, but nobody has to know with who and what goes on between us. I think the quietest relationships last the longest. The number one thing that ruins relationships are their surroundings.
She is beautiful but doesn't see that. She is broken by a boy who led her on. She is scared of the dark but loves scary movies. She has a smile that could light up the sky. She loves her family and friends more than she loves herself. She is scared to fall in love because every time she has it always falls apart. Music is her therapy and without it she'd be more of a mess than she already is. She's in love with a bad boy who doesn't know how she feels. But someday that girl will tell him and she finally won't be scared to tell the truth. Someday I'll finally tell you I love you.
I used to like you. Then I wanted you. Then we loved each other. Then you left everything we had. But now, now I need you.
Missing someone who doesn't miss you back in return is probably one of the worst feelings anyone can feel.
You went from strangers to lovers to strangers again in a matter of months and it felt like it all happened within a blink of an eye, leaving you wondering if it even happened at all. For a while, it felt like a nice dream recurring night after night until reality struck, making you two wake up to the idea that you were better off pretending to be friends than pretending there was a future to be had. It was hard to accept and sometimes you still miss him, but in the end, the potential wasn't worth giving in your whole heart.
If you can make me laugh through a text, you done good.
Don't stress what you can't control.
Dear cell phone, please invent a "take back text" option.
If they had time to cheat, then they had time to think before their actions, leave them.
People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do.
When she pushes you away, pull her closer.
People tend to make rules for others and exceptions for themselves.
Go for someone who is not only proud to have you, but will also take every risk just to be with you.
I'm scared and I wish you were here to make me laugh. I still don't know what's going on, but at least I know you can make me smile.
I feel like people get lost when they think of happiness as a destination. We're always thinking that someday we'll be happy. You know, we'll get that car or that job or that person in our lives that fixes everything. But happiness is a mood and a condition, it's not a destination. It's like being tired or hungry; it's not permanent, it comes and goes, and that's okay. And I feel like if people thought of it that way, they'd find happiness a lot more often.
You meant the world to me, even if I didn't mean the world to you. You taught me so much, and I just want you to know - I appreciate everything you've done for me in the past couple years. You gave me something to be happy about. You gave me the meaning of what it's like to know that someone actually cares. You're truly an amazing person and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I know things aren't easy between us right now, but I hope someday soon, we can go back to how we used to be. But no matter what - don't forget that I am always here for you when you need someone, regardless of what the situation is. You were there for me through everything, so now I'm going to be there for you. This isn't goodbye forever, it's just goodbye for now.
To get up in the morning only to know that you have to face another obstacle takes strength. To smile when the only thing you can do is cry takes bravery. To act happy and laugh when you know that times are at their worst takes courage. To be joyous when the only good news is the best of the bad news takes support. To be there and help others through the roughest times in life takes love.
Sometimes life sucks. Sometimes people who you think you can rely on, let you down. Sometimes the things that you do turn around and bite you on the butt. Sometimes, you just wanna give up. But then there are those people who pick you up again, and help you see that, sometimes, life doesn't have to suck.
One day when you're happy with your life and just enjoying it, you'll get an unexpected text, maybe by this time you've already forgotten his number, maybe not. And it'll be him, wanting to "talk." Wait, hold up. Remember all those tears you shed, while he shed none. Remember those corny pick up lines, remember the hurt. Look at how happy you are now. Yeah, that's what I thought. Don't answer that text.
Chocolate is the answer, who cares what the question is.
Randomly staring at your phone to avoid an awkward situation.
The problem between girls and guys is girls fall for one guy too easily, and well guys try to get as many girls as possible.
It's hard to distance yourself mentally from a person that you see every day.
How about an iPhone app where you just sigh loudly and it fixes whatever is bothering you?
I hate it when you talk to someone every single day and then it just stops. All of a sudden neither of you say a word to each other.
A true friend is someone who accepts your past, supports your present and encourages your future.
Ladies you deserve to be his first place girl. Not his "Just In Case Girl."
8-year-old kids today have Facebook, twitter, phones, iPods. When I was their age, I had a coloring book, crayons, chalk, and imagination.
We live in the era of smartphones and stupid people.
Find a guy who would jump fences to be with you, not a guy who is on the fence about being with you.
Let's turn our mistakes into lessons and our fears into hopes. We should have faith in ourselves and be strong.
My ex walked up to me today and said "Wanna hear a joke?" and I said, "Ha! I'm looking at one, bro."
Dear whoever is reading this, I hope you have a reason to smile today.
To be honest with you, I don't have the words to make you feel better, but I do have the arms to give you a hug, the ears to listen to whatever you want to talk about, and I have a heart, a heart that's aching to see you smile again.
I'm not easy. Partly because that's just not me, but also because I know I'm worth it. I'm worth the time and effort. And I'd rather be difficult than easy any day.
I think I was better off before all this began. So clearly I can see that you don't know who I am. Everybody tried to tell me something that I never could believe. Standing back, it seems so much different than it did in front of me.
I'm one person. And one person can only take so much. I guess I've just had enough.
Today, my boyfriend told me that he loved me. When I asked why, he took out a list. It was 337 reasons long, and he said he had a pen in his back pocket in case he remembered any new ones. His love gives me hope.
People would say, "I'm single," but well, to me, that sounds rather mean. It sounds like they were trying to say, "I'm alone," or "I have nobody to love." That's not true because I have friends and I have my family. I would rather say, "I'm free." It sounds better.
You are worth waiting a lifetime on...And I would if you asked me to.
I never had anyone I could actually count on. I've been let down so many times. I was tired of hurting and so tired of searching. And then, you walked into my life. It was a feeling I'd never known and for the first time, I didn't feel alone.
I used to be a little bit shy, I kept my deepest feelings inside. Speaking up to you about my emotions has always been hard. But this just can't wait. Tonight I feel a little bit brave. So I won't let one more day pass without you explaining what we are. This is gonna sound kind of silly, but I couldn't help but notice the last time you kissed, you kept both eyes opened. Can you tell me, what does that mean? If you're looking over your shoulder then you don't need to be with me. And I don't need to hold on.
The greatest challenge in life is to find someone who knows all your flaws and differences and mistakes and still loves everything about you.
If you want to know where your heart is, look where your mind goes when it wanders.
She wanted something else, something different, something more... Passion and romance perhaps, or maybe quiet conversations in candlelit rooms or perhaps something as simple as not being second...
This is for the girls who understand that they aren't perfect and that the guys they're interested in aren't either, for the girls who flirt and laugh and worry and obsess over the slightest glance, whisper, touch, because somehow they are able to keep alive that hope that maybe...maybe this time he'll have understood. This is a homage to the girls who laugh loud and often, who are comfortable in skirts and sweats, who care more than they should for guys who don't deserve their attention.
It's a little weird, having people look at me with you and ask, why on earth is she with him, she could do so much better. Well guess what? What they don't know is, there isn't any better, and even if there was, I wouldn't want it because all I want is you.
I need you to pretend that we are in love again..
I hate the fact that you say you miss me but don't do anything about it.
Take nothing but photos. Leave nothing but footsteps. Kill nothing but time.
Every day is a decision. We all wake up every morning and make the conscious choice not to die.
I hope you're living a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.
Sometimes there is nothing to be said. Sometimes nothing should be said. I just want to find someone who won't run away. Someone to look me in the eyes and tell me that it's okay. That things don't always go right, that this is how life works, and how it will always work. That it's not going to be easy. Today, tomorrow, the next day, but it will somehow get better.
All my life, I had been looking for something, and everywhere I turned, someone tried to tell me what it was. I accepted their answers too, thought they were often in contradiction and even self-contradictory. I was naive. I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself questions which I, and only I could answer. It took me a long time and much painful boomeranging of my expectations to achieve a realization everyone else appears to have been born with: that I am nobody but myself.
Letting to doesn't mean giving in, but rather accepting that there are things that cannot be.
I hate when exes say... "I'm here if you need me." Where were you when we were together and I needed you?
Crazy around my friends. Classy around guys. A freak around my family, but at a complete loss for words around you.
We all have that boy. That boy who you're completely over, but you still think about before you sleep. That boy who you avoid talking to, but still wish he would IM you just once. That boy who you have to make yourself not think about, but always wonder if he is thinking about you.
"What happened with you two?" What happened? He popped a feel and dropped me like I was hot. He told me I was beautiful, special and that he wanted to be with me and then he took it all back without saying a word. He drew me in and then released me. He promised me forever and then ended it early. He got what he wanted and then walked away without so much as a goodbye. But you know... "It's complicated."
I want an unknown relationship. Not a public one where everyone has to know. I will not say that I am single nor will I deny the fact that I'm taken, but nobody has to know with who and what goes on between us. I think the quietest relationships last the longest. The number one thing that ruins relationships are their surroundings.
She is beautiful but doesn't see that. She is broken by a boy who led her on. She is scared of the dark but loves scary movies. She has a smile that could light up the sky. She loves her family and friends more than she loves herself. She is scared to fall in love because every time she has it always falls apart. Music is her therapy and without it she'd be more of a mess than she already is. She's in love with a bad boy who doesn't know how she feels. But someday that girl will tell him and she finally won't be scared to tell the truth. Someday I'll finally tell you I love you.
I used to like you. Then I wanted you. Then we loved each other. Then you left everything we had. But now, now I need you.
Missing someone who doesn't miss you back in return is probably one of the worst feelings anyone can feel.
You went from strangers to lovers to strangers again in a matter of months and it felt like it all happened within a blink of an eye, leaving you wondering if it even happened at all. For a while, it felt like a nice dream recurring night after night until reality struck, making you two wake up to the idea that you were better off pretending to be friends than pretending there was a future to be had. It was hard to accept and sometimes you still miss him, but in the end, the potential wasn't worth giving in your whole heart.
If you can make me laugh through a text, you done good.
Don't stress what you can't control.
Dear cell phone, please invent a "take back text" option.
If they had time to cheat, then they had time to think before their actions, leave them.
People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do.
When she pushes you away, pull her closer.
People tend to make rules for others and exceptions for themselves.
Go for someone who is not only proud to have you, but will also take every risk just to be with you.
I'm scared and I wish you were here to make me laugh. I still don't know what's going on, but at least I know you can make me smile.
I feel like people get lost when they think of happiness as a destination. We're always thinking that someday we'll be happy. You know, we'll get that car or that job or that person in our lives that fixes everything. But happiness is a mood and a condition, it's not a destination. It's like being tired or hungry; it's not permanent, it comes and goes, and that's okay. And I feel like if people thought of it that way, they'd find happiness a lot more often.
You meant the world to me, even if I didn't mean the world to you. You taught me so much, and I just want you to know - I appreciate everything you've done for me in the past couple years. You gave me something to be happy about. You gave me the meaning of what it's like to know that someone actually cares. You're truly an amazing person and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I know things aren't easy between us right now, but I hope someday soon, we can go back to how we used to be. But no matter what - don't forget that I am always here for you when you need someone, regardless of what the situation is. You were there for me through everything, so now I'm going to be there for you. This isn't goodbye forever, it's just goodbye for now.
To get up in the morning only to know that you have to face another obstacle takes strength. To smile when the only thing you can do is cry takes bravery. To act happy and laugh when you know that times are at their worst takes courage. To be joyous when the only good news is the best of the bad news takes support. To be there and help others through the roughest times in life takes love.
Sometimes life sucks. Sometimes people who you think you can rely on, let you down. Sometimes the things that you do turn around and bite you on the butt. Sometimes, you just wanna give up. But then there are those people who pick you up again, and help you see that, sometimes, life doesn't have to suck.
One day when you're happy with your life and just enjoying it, you'll get an unexpected text, maybe by this time you've already forgotten his number, maybe not. And it'll be him, wanting to "talk." Wait, hold up. Remember all those tears you shed, while he shed none. Remember those corny pick up lines, remember the hurt. Look at how happy you are now. Yeah, that's what I thought. Don't answer that text.
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